A nice thing happened to me today: Somebody on the phone with my spouse heard me whistling and complimented me – Ms. M passed it along. Made my whole day!
I think it’s safe to say I come from a musical family, but I am not especially talented. I’ve played instruments and learned that others play them much better than me. My parents are musical (my Mom still sings with a group), my grand father instructed band in a school, my grandmother played the organ at church, and Ms. M’s family has a long musical history.
Me? I appreciate music – it’s one of the things I appreciate the most. Nothing perks me up more (well, tied for bike rides). And… I whistle. My mostly musical family puts up with it, but I know I’m no great shakes. It’s pretty much solely self expression – not a performance. And I probably can’t really help myself even if I tried.
Which brings me to remembering Francis. Grandpa really is my role model for a lot of life. He was helpful, kind and funny. He cut my hair when I was little. And he was always whistling. He lived into his 90s, passed away on tour with his singing group doing what he loved. I should be so lucky.
I really like that both Kid1 and Kid2 have great, adventurous musical taste (at least according to this old fogey). And obviously K2 has an intense focus on music.
I secretly like to think that my skirlling around might have lead them deeper into music.
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