T- 31 days to start: Sanity Check (again)

I gotta tell ya – sometimes (many times) this just feels crazy. What would possibly convince someone to sign up to ride 100 a day for 30 days? What if I can’t do it? Why go through all the planning? Why why why?

I don’t really have a great answer, and definitely not a short one. Even though I have doubts, I know I’ve got tons of experience, good expectations, the right equipment, I’m fit and I have a good attitude. And if I learned anything on my last trip (trips, oh and mountains, and many many miles backpacking in the wilds) – I’m very capable of taking care of myself.

But still… The Am I Crazy thoughts do creep up.

Today I canceled all my travel arrangements _except_ the ones I will actually use. I got my front wheel tuned up, and added some housing to short hoses & cables on the front end. I got my final final shoes.

Making progress every day – that’s how you do it.






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