Musings about life on two wheels
Weird word of the day
oscitation – to Yawn I’m always interested in Latin vs Anglo-Saxon words. This morning I was a bit sleepy, and started to wonder: what is the Latin word for the Anglo Saxon word Yawn is. And, I’ve never ever heard it before. Anglo-Saxon words are usually short, sometimes onomatopoeia-ish. Latin words are mutli-sylabic and fancy…
Quick appreciation of Kid2
It’s a big week for Kid2 – all kinds of new rights & responsibilities. And: I’m a proud papa. I really appreciate how much dedication he has to his craft. It really shows through in a lot of different ways: in his performance, and in his hobbies. I really like how articulate he is, and…
Losing weight: Top 5 most effective ways
#IMHO and #IANAD A little tongue in cheek at the top here, but: Until I find out #4 just doesn’t’ work for me, I’ll be doing that. Calorie Defecit means (in the slightly bastardized words of Michael Polan): Eat (slightly less) than just enough. See Food Rules. It goes by a lot of other names:…
Rebuilding Topeak Road Morph
My trusty Topeak Road Morph G totally failed on a recent ride. It got more and more difficult to pump air into the tube, and then just siezed up. Later the pump handle moved but it wasn’t pumping any air. An O-ring on the pump piston wore out. I’d like to find a replacement –…
Underground Seattle
My team took the Underground Seattle tour last week. When it was over I was a bit sad it was so short – a sign of a good time. The thing that’s amazing about the tour and Seattle history how quickly things changed. In 45 years the city was founded, burned down, regraded, and built…
Dry Extroversion
I started drinking in college, and quit a few years ago. I used to think I was quite extroverted – I still think I am, but being dry’s changed my perspective quite a bit. One of the most common emotions I used to have was regret – after-action shame for dumb behavior. I got pretty…
Wimp-Lo is an antagonist in the ridiculous movie “Kung-Pow: Enter the Fist”. Perhaps you’ve seen the gif: “We trained him wrong on purpose, as a joke”. Not everything is going to go perfect. Wimp-Lo-Tek embraces the imperfections and does it anyway. When the consequences are low – Do It! In today’s example – I finished…
Gregarious giggles
My grandfather (Clarance) had an explosive and gregarious laugh. It’s one of the things that survived the longest through his alzheimer’s. He passed it on to my Uncle. I think my Dad has a more normal sounding laugh. And I’m beginning to wonder – does it just sound normal to me? And how does my…
When buying a bike: plan for what else you need
Tl:dr: when shopping for a bike, keep 20% of your budget for not-bike stuff. One of the best received bits of wisdom I get to hand-out on Reddit is – what else do I need besides a bike to ride a bike? For some small group of people, maybe nothing. But for almost everybody: plan…
Evening chatter & space bubbles
Had fun this evening with David & Erik. Talked about a lot of things, but some it was climate change stuff. My favorite: Space Bubbles A couple other interesting possibilities that I should look into later: alkalizing the oceans (limestone?) But back to space bubbles: the idea is to block some solar energy in space.…
Got any book recommendations?